About Us
We fell in love with Belize and Placencia in particular. With a familiarity for hosting guests we decided to delve into a guest house in paradise. Deciding what to name the guesthouse took some time. We wanted to respect the history and the culture of the area. We decided to be a little whimsical and chose Alux, which is pronounced "ah loosh".
An alux is a mythological Mayan sprite or spirit reminiscent of other sprite-like mythical entities such as the leprechaun.
The Maya believe aluxes are the spirts of their ancestors, or the spirits of the land itself. Farmers can summon an alux by building them a house. The alux will then help the corn grow, summon rain and patrol the fields at night, whistling to scare off predators or crops thieves for a period of seven years.
Generally invisible they can appear in physical form to communicate with and frighten humans. If respected it is thought an alux will protect a person from thieves or even bring them good luck.